About Bryan Insurance Agency, LLC
If this is your first time visiting our site, Welcome! If it is not, we are glad that you are back! The Bryan Agency is a full service independent insurance agency. We opened our doors in 2004 and since then have over 15 different carriers that we represent within the agency.
From the beginning we have have always built the agency on the believe that the client comes first. We take the time to do a full needs assessment of what your needs are to properly protect you. We know that whether you are an individual or a business owner, covering you the right way is what matter most to you and your family and that matters to us.
We believe in protecting you for your needs today and being there for you & your needs in the future.
We are here to help you and any concerns you have.Have a question for us or want to know more about how we can help?
Great! Ask one of our specialists. We love questions & our doors are always open!
And thank you again for visiting our site and we hope to see you soon!
Meet Our Team

Alternate Number (845) 565-2200
Fax Number (845) 913-9152
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Professional Background:Amy has comes from an insurance background and has grown up in the industry. She is the third generation of insurance professionals and started in the industry in 1995 by working in her dad's State Farm office in Cornwall. From there, she continued on in the industry and worked in State Farm Auto Claims in Poughkeepsie, NY starting from 1999 until 2003.
In 2004, she decided to open Bryan Insurance Agency as an independent agency. She started the agency with a vision and a drive to create a better customer experience for the client as an independent broker. She started with no companies and no clients. Since starting, she, along with her team, has grown the agency to include two locations while now offering over 15 different carriers to help meet the client's needs.
Business & Local Associations:
Amy has been active in the Professional Insurance Agents of NY and the NY Young Insurance Professionals since 2006. In 2008-2010 Amy was the President of the NY Young Insurance Professionals and since 2010 has been on the Board of Directors for the NYPIA and has served in various positions on the executive committee and other committees including Secretary and Treasurer on the Executive Committee and Chair of the Hudson Valley Regional Awareness Program.
In 2004-2007 Amy was active in a local chapter of BNI in Newburgh and served in various positions including vice president and secretary. In 2008-2011 Amy was a part of the Cornwall Lions Club and helped out with local events such as Secret Santa, Wreath & Roping, and the Cornwall Lions Club Fall 10k Run.
Volunteering and Activism:
Amy and her agency have helped with various local groups in the Hudson Valley and Long Island area. She has led the agency in the belief that not only do we help people with insurance but it is equally as important to help on a local level where we can. Since 2009 Amy has been actively involved in Lilla's Wiffle Ball Tournament which helps to raise money for breast cancer research. Amy and Bryan Insurance have also been actively involved in the Tommy Dowd Memorial Fund - a scholarship foundation. Amy and the Agency have also been a supporter of the Autism Speaks and the American Cancer Society.
In October of 2013 , following Amy along with a group of other local business owners and working professionals started the Hurricane Sandy Long Island Disaster Relief Foundation. Through these efforts the group was able to collect and distribute food and clothing on a local grass roots lever immediately following the storm as well as help families clean out and rebuild their homes. She has also helped to facilitate a Facebook page which has over 4,000 followers on it to keep people up to date even today on the relief efforts and to keep in contact with people who need help or can provide help.
Certifications, Awards & Honors:
In 2011 Amy received her designation as a Certified Insurance Counselor. She is currently pursuing a designation as a Certified Risk Manager.
In 2012 Amy received the Bronze medal for the Stevie Awards Female Entrepreneur of the Year for Business Services. The Stevie® Awards for Women in Business are the world's premier awards for women executives, entrepreneurs, and the organizations they run.
In April of 2013 Amy received the Community Service Award at the Long Island Regional Awareness Program for the PIA of NY. This award was given to her from her peers in the insurance industry following her part in the relief efforts with the Hurricane Sandy Long Island Relief Foundation in the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy.
Media & Publications:
Amy has been a contributor and been featured in Property Casualty 360 Magazine:
nGI: Amy Bryan
nGI: Amy Bryan Continues Young Agent Discussion
nGInsights: The Online Cocktail Party
Bryan Insurance Agency: Best Website Finalist
Amy has been featured and contributed in Rough Notes Magazine:
A New Business Model For A New Generation
Why Young Agents Stand By Their Career Choice
Amy was interviewed by Lindsey Pollak on Blog Talk Radio to speak about careers in the insurance industry. Lindsey is a bestselling author, keynote speaker and one of the world's leading experts on managing the Millennial generation.
Insuring Against Unemployment
Personal Achievements and Other Information:
In her spare time, Amy enjoys running and yoga. Amy has completed various races and in October of 2011, Amy completed her first Half Marathon at the Diva's Long Island Half Marathon.
Starting in 2014, Amy has started coaching other new business owners how to grow their businesses through marketing and social media while creating balance in their lives.

Office Number (888) 565-2212 Ext. 308
Alternate Number (845) 565-2200
Fax Number (845) 913-9152
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Kelly began her insurance career, here, at the Bryan Agency in 2012. She truly enjoys the customer interaction and helping clients. While she loves being an insurance agent, her true passion is dedicating her time to causes like the Relay for Life (American Cancer Society) and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). She has two boys that keep her very busy outside of the office. However, when she does have some free time, she enjoys bowling, playing softball and cheering for her favorite sports teams. She especially loves the New York Yankees and Notre Dame.
Office Number (888) 565-2212 Ext. 306
Alternate Number (845) 565-2200
Fax Number (845) 913-9152
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Tara began her insurance career, here, at the Bryan Agency in 2017. She truly enjoys the customer interaction and helping clients. While she loves being an insurance agent, her true passion is spending time with her family & reading.